publicaties en projecten
Samenwerking met IdeeVersa ten behoeve van de onderzoeken "Referentiekader voor lasten en baten van Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba" (2012), “Mogelijkheden voor deregulering en taakverlichting Caribisch Nederland” (2013) en “Onderzoek onderhoud BES-fonds 2015” (2015), in opdracht van het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.
2012 Werk voor SQ Consult ten behoeve van het Maatschappelijk Verslag van Nuon Energy n.v.
2012 Project voor SQ Consult betreffende uitbreiding van de database over industrieel energiebeleid van het Instituut voor Industriele Productiviteit (IIP) met informatie over Zuid-Afrika, Canada, Duitsland, Australie, Rusland en Thailand.
2010-2011 "Naar een duurzame triathlon", startnotitie en advies voor het bestuur van de Nederlandse Triathlon Bond (NTB).
"General policy towards services of general economic interest and consumer protection in the energy sector", inventory and analysis of measures for consumer protection in the energy markets of 25 EU Member States, in commission of the European Commission, DG TREN, 2005-2006.
Project management for the development of a "Topten" website of energy efficient appliances for The Netherlands, 2005-2006.
Van Zuylen, E.J. and Heijnes, H.A.M., Heemskerk, R.P.C. and Coelingh, J.P., Wind energy in new building areas. Case study "De Kroeten", Ecofys, Utrecht, May 1999.
Van Zuylen, E.J. and Heijnes, H.A.M. and Coelingh, J.P., Participation in Wind energy Projects, Ecofys, Utrecht, February 1999.
H.A.M. Heijnes, "Milieu en Productiviteit", doctoraalscriptie, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 1993.
groene energie
Regular contributions for the Market Monitor on green certificates price developments for the monthly Greenprices News Business Edition, 2004-2006.
Heijnes, H.A.M. and Mintjes, M., Green Electricity Marketing in The Netherlands, in: Global Report Competitive Energy & Utilities Marketing, Energyforum, 2003/4, Edited by & in co-operation with Dr. Philip E. Lewis.
Heijnes, H.A.M. and Mintjes, M., Green Electricity Marketing; the Dutch Example, in: Global Report on Deregulated Electricity Marketing, Energyforum, 2002.
Heijnes, H.A.M. et al., Green energy in Europe, regular contribution to the REFOCUS International Renewable Energy Magazine, Elsevier Advanced Technology, Oxford, 2000-2002.
Heijnes, H.A.M., Overview of Green Energy in The Netherlands. Status September 1999, Ecofys, Utrecht, October 1999.
Heijnes, H.A.M. and Van der Leun, C.J., Green certificates and energy tax for thermal solar energy, Ecofys, Utrecht, June 1999.
instrumenten voor milieubeleid
Heijnes, H.A.M. and De Jager, D., Inventory of environmental and energy subsidies 1985-1998, Ecofys, Utrecht, in commission of the National Institute for Health and Environment (RIVM), June 1999.
Heijnes, H.A.M., and Blok, K., Cost differences of climate policy for the EU, the USA and Japan, Ecofys, Utrecht, January 1999.
Heijnes, H., Van Brummelen, M. and Blok, K., Reduction of the emissions of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 in the European Union, for DGXI, Ecofys Energy and Environment, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 1998.
Heijnes, H.A.M., De Beer, J. and Blok, K., Voluntary agreements on energy saving with industry after 2000, for WNF, Ecofys, October 1998, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1998.
Heijnes, H.A.M., Tradable permits for noise on industrial sites, in: Market performance and environmental policy. A scenario study for a market oriented environmental policy, SEO 1998, The Netherlands, 1997.
Heijnes, H.A.M. et al., 1997, "Potential cost advantages of a system of tradable permits for NOx and SO2 in The Netherlands", TME, The Netherlands
Heijnes, H.A.M. et al., Greening of the VAT. Possibilities for VAT reduction for sustainable products and services, for the Dutch Ministry of Finance, TME, The Netherlands, 1997.
Heijnes, H.A.M. et al., Marginal abatement cost functions for waste water, particles and hazardous waste in Europe, for the RIVM, TME, The Netherlands, 1997.
Versfeld R. en H. Heijnes, Hoe maken we van ieder bedrijf een koploper?", in Groen ondernemen: werken aan milieu-innovatie in bedrijven", Basset en Kastje (red.), Utrecht, 1997.
Dietz, F.J., en H.A.M. Heijnes, "Nutrient emissions from agriculture: An alternative for the current abatement policies in EU Countries", in: F.J. Dietz, H.R.J. Vollebergh en J.L. de Vries (eds.), Environment, Incentives and the Common Market", Kluwer Academic Publishers,Dordrecht, 1995.